Central to UPI’s corporate culture are our core values, captured in our Code of Ethics. Those values: Integrity, safety, honesty, engagement, responsibility and performance, influence every decision that we make. Our commitment putting our values first and living by high ethical standards echoes through our work.

By asking questions and reporting potential concerns, our employees know they play an important role in helping us meet the standards reflected in our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. The OpenLINE hotline allows concerns to be reported confidentially 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in many languages. Calls can be made anonymously and will not be recorded.
Our Approach to the Code of Ethics
At UPI, we believe that the “tone from the top” is essential to the continued growth of an ethical workforce. Our compliance program places a number of responsibilities on every member of the workforce. We view compliance as a responsibility of every employee.
We follow a series of policies and procedures that serve as the framework for the anti-corruption compliance program, including: (i) a comprehensive anti-corruption policy; (ii) a policy for the giving and receipt of gifts to ensure that such transactions are not subterfuge for bribery; (iii) a policy on gifts and gratuities; and (iv) a policy on potential conflicts of interest.
Where necessary, these policies are strengthened with procedures and work instructions so that our employees have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. To ensure that these policies and procedures are widely understood and followed, we formally train our entire workforce annually on the Code of Ethics. Specific at risk groups are given training on anti-corruption and other risks. Our training program is designed to ensure that employees in sensitive positions receive targeted training to meet the risks inherent in their duties.

As a Company, we care about our relationships with our vendors and subcontractors and encourage Subcontractors to adopt the same core values that we so highly prize in our work. Our Supplier Code of Conduct defines the conduct we expect of non-employees who act on the company’s behalf in any capacity
Our commitment to compliance is such that we demand an equal commitment from the companies with which we conduct business. UPI’s procedures require that, prior to engaging any business partners, we perform diligence to ensure that our business partners share our commitment to ethical business practices. Our due diligence is a strict requirement and applies to all Companies, regardless of location and scope.
We believe a commitment to ethical business practices is key to our continued to success as a company and will continue to enhance our compliance program as needed to meet the evolving risks and challenges facing our Company.
“Doing the right thing, even when no one is looking is an essential belief at UniversalPegasus International. It’s clear to me that the tone starts at the top and permeates through the culture of the company. At UPI, our Code of Ethics is not merely lip service. It is a set of core values, standards and behaviors that guide employees’ commitment to the highest ethical standards. We have to be ethical and act ethically.”
Arnold Eisenstein General Manager UniversalPegasus International
As a Company, we care about our relationships with our vendors and subcontractors and encourage Subcontractors to adopt the same core values that we so highly prize in our work. Our Supplier Code of Conduct defines the conduct we expect of non-employees who act on the company’s behalf in any capacity
Our commitment to compliance is such that we demand an equal commitment from the companies with which we conduct business. UPI’s procedures require that, prior to engaging any business partners, we perform diligence to ensure that our business partners share our commitment to ethical business practices. Our due diligence is a strict requirement and applies to all Companies, regardless of location and scope.
We believe a commitment to ethical business practices is key to our continued to success as a company and will continue to enhance our compliance program as needed to meet the evolving risks and challenges facing our Company.