By looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared, you get answers to questions and problems solved.

We developed a proprietary geospatial database called the Mobile Inspection Platform (MIP). This platform helps to ensure Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) compliance for our clients’ assets around the globe.

MIP provides pipeline owners and operators a method of tracking all relevant pipeline field data in a geospatially searchable database. This provides quicker access to all project data during PHMSA audits that saves both valuable time and reduces propensity for error. Our MIP system has proven to reduce the time spent on audits from weeks and days to hours – so your team can focus their efforts and resources on quality data processing and progress in the field.

Additional benefits of the MIP System include:

  • Stakeholder visibility to current and historical information.

  • Intuitive, map-based method of accessing documents based on station, milepost, parcel or coordinate along the route of the pipeline.

  • Pipeline owners and operators have a method to track individual inspector performance.

  • Track progress and status against baseline schedules.